What is this?

This is a newsletter called At Capacity. It’s called At Capacity because I am, quite frankly, at capacity in terms of things I have to do, commitment-wise. Every other person I talk to seems to feel the same way. Maybe you feel the same way too? If so, ride the train of procrastination with me and let’s commiserate! I’ll write this while I’m supposed to be doing the hundred other things I said I’d do. You read it.

Who are you?

I’m a writer. I’ve written for The New York Times, where I am a frequent contributor, as well as for The Guardian, The Washington Post, TIME, and Oprah Daily. Right now, I’m also writing a novel, which mainly means not writing a novel and instead having an extremely well-organized spice drawer. A long time ago, I worked in tech, where I used words and language to help companies like Instagram, Facebook, and Instacart feel simple, straightforward, and human. I’m British, but at this point I’ve lived in the U.S. twice as long as I lived in the U.K. and both of my kids say “tomato” incorrectly. Or correctly, I don’t even know anymore.

What do you write about here?

The relentlessness of everything — but, like, in a good way, I guess? Life as a writer. Life in the Bay Area suburbs. Life as a youngish breast cancer survivor. Health anxiety. 90s nostalgia. Why I keep signing up to do things and then complaining that I’ve signed up to do too many things. Books I’ve read. Things I’ve impulsively purchased and recommend. Things I’ve impulsively purchased and don’t recommend. The timeless and unending appeal of Jordan Catalano, always.

Do I have to pay to subscribe?

Nope, not right now. I might add subscriber-only content later, but for now that feels kind of weird. We only just met.

Subscribe to At Capacity

At Capacity is a newsletter for people who bite off more than they can chew and then keep chewing anyway.


At Capacity is a newsletter for people who bite off more than they can chew and then keep chewing anyway.